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Wie man

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Boosts Energy, Focus and Strength

Restores Vitality & Youthfullness

Decalcify Pineal Gland & Remove Toxins

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Elevate Your Health

Ignite Your Potential

The SHILAJIT Revolution!

If you are in search of a natural product straight from mother nature to boost your health and make you unstoppable, then you are at the right place! This legendary ayurvedic medicine is a 1 in all food supplement for people of all ages to Unlock Youthful Energy, Boost Immunity, Enhance Mental Clarity and much more!

Learn More

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Always Tired


Constantly Sick

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Brain Fog


Poor Skincare

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Can't Focus

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No Strength


Fast Aging

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Learn how SHILAJIT can help you supercharge your Health!

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Cognitive Function



Shilajit boosts your strength for that extra pump! 

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Cognitive Function

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More Focus and Mental Sharpness. No more brain fog!

Slow-down Aging

Shilajit helps prevent DNA damage 

Heart Health

Contains high levels of iron and has been shown to have positive effects on your heart


Shilajit Anti-Inflamatory effects help your muscles to recover faster and prevent injuries

Increased Energy

More Energy and Drive to start your day strong

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Stronger Immunity

Improve your body's immunity and stay healthy through winter

Verwenden Sie eine kleine Dosis Shilajit-HarzShilajit?

Mischen Sie es in heißem Wasser, bis es aufgelöst ist


Hindu deity Shiva has rewarded the Yogis of the Himalayas for their hospitality, while he meditated in the mountains for 1,000 years! He has given the people a drop of his divine blood, granting incredible strength and spiritual awakening to anyone brave enough to drink it. The people of the mountains started to call it "Destroyer of Weakness" as it made them strong as the Gods themselves.


Hindu deity Shiva has rewarded the Yogis of the Himalayas for their hospitality, while he meditated in the mountains for 1,000 years! He has given the people a drop of his divine blood, granting incredible strength and spiritual awakening to anyone brave enough to drink it. The people of the mountains started to call it "Destroyer of Weakness" as it made them strong as the Gods themselves.


Die Suche nach „lorem ipsum“ wird viele Websites aufdecken, die noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich verschiedene Versionen entwickelt, manchmal zufällig, manchmal absichtlich.Shilajit

Die Suche nach „lorem ipsum“ wird viele Websites aufdecken, die noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich verschiedene Versionen entwickelt, manchmal zufällig, manchmal absichtlich.


Traci Norman


Die Suche nach „lorem ipsum“ wird viele Websites aufdecken, die noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich verschiedene Versionen entwickelt, manchmal zufällig, manchmal absichtlich.


Traci Norman


Die Suche nach „lorem ipsum“ wird viele Websites aufdecken, die noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich verschiedene Versionen entwickelt, manchmal zufällig, manchmal absichtlich.


Die Suche nach „lorem ipsum“ wird viele Websites aufdecken, die noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich verschiedene Versionen entwickelt, manchmal zufällig, manchmal absichtlich.

Our Best Products

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Awakeing  Premium - Shilajit (40g )

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Why Buy from AWAKENING?

Hi! My name is MATEJ and I delighted that you have visited my website. Being an ex-pro athlete and a lifetime martial artist; I was always looking for means to improve my performance. Whether that was in the ring or in the office; I found Shilajit offered a perfect balance between a natural product and a unique supplement that is simple to use, healthy and gives me an edge over others. Since using Shilajit my life has improved dramatically and therefore I decided to start my own brand and share this amazing secret with the rest of you!  Want to learn more? Click below. 


Purchase 2x Shilajit and save 29.99€! The purest shilajit resin directly from the Himalayas.  Shilajit contains over 85 plant-derived minerals, including Humic Acid and Fulvic acid, both natural detoxifiers of heavy metals. Decalcify your Pineal Gland NOW!

3 Months Supply PROMO!

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Save 30€


In einer Geschichte vor langer, langer Zeit hat die hinduistische Gottheit Shiva die Yogis des Himalaya für ihre Gastfreundschaft belohnt, während er 1.000 Jahre lang in den Bergen meditierte! Er hat den Menschen einen Tropfen seines göttlichen Blutes gegeben und jedem, der mutig genug ist, es zu trinken, unglaubliche Kraft und spirituelles Erwachen verliehen. Die Menschen in den Bergen begannen, es „Bezwinger der Schwäche“ zu nennen, da es sie so stark machte wie die Götter selbst.Use

Shilajit ist eine halbfeste, schwarzbraune, klebrige Substanz, die hauptsächlich in Gesteinen des Himalaya vorkommt. Es entwickelt sich über Jahrhunderte aus der Zersetzung von Pflanzen und organischen Stoffen, die von Gesteinsschichten im Gebirge eingeschlossen wurden. Shilajit wird in vielen Teilen der Welt als ayurvedische Medizin verwendet, begann aber ursprünglich vor über tausend Jahren in Indien. Es ist eine uralte pflanzliche Substanz, die über 85 Mineralien enthält, die den menschlichen Körper stärken und verjüngen.

Use a small dose of shilajit resin

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Vorteile von Shilajit

Mix it in hot water until dissolved

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Drink warm & enjoy!

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The recommended daily dosage should not exceed 1g and our advice is to drink Shilajit early morning on an empty stomach with hot water. It is a perfect addition to your fasting regiment, however can be used with any liquid as long as it's warm. We don't recommend to use it just before going to bed and as well for pregnant women; heart patients; people with infections or high blood iron. Avoid using it with combination with alcohol and absolutely avoid tap water! To store Shilajit is very simple, just keep in within room temperature in a dark place.

What Our Client Says

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 energy boost..hidden gem..positive impact.

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Vicente Garcia

Thai Boxing Champion

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The benefits of Shilajit are exceptional.. enriches and strengthens the whole body's immune system.

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I am a Professional Athlete and the Shilajit product has worked very well for me in my preparations, it has been a good ally to combat excessive fatigue, increase Testosterone levels that are reduced in periods of high volume and I find myself with more vitality in my day.

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I diagnosed with Lupus..I am anemic. Low stamina. Sleepless. Lightheaded. No control of sickness. Weak immune system. Then I tried "Shilajit". Booom!.. I feel so strong..  I used it consecutively. I feel it resets my whole body.  It's an amazing experience! Me and my body is thankful that I am using "Shilajit".

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I could feel the benefits of Shilajit immediately.

.. I feel strong as a bull.

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*Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. Information and statements about our products have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency. They're meant for educational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional before use. Individual results vary; what you see in photos and videos reflects personal effort. Your unique journey may lead to different outcomes. Thank you for your understanding.

Erwachen - Shilajit (5g)

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