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1+1 Combo Pack (40g)

Get yourself our unique combo deal! With our 1+1 Shilajit you will have supplies for more than 6 months with daily use. This is a great idea for people who wish to continue on their awakening journey and want to also get a bargain! Save 30€ NOW!

1+1 Combo Pack (40g)

79,99 €Precio

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En una historia de hace mucho, mucho tiempo... ¡la deidad hindú Shiva ha recompensado a los yoguis de los Himalayas por su hospitalidad, mientras él meditaba en las montañas durante 1000 años! Le ha dado a la gente una gota de su sangre divina, otorgando una fuerza increíble y un despertar espiritual a cualquiera lo suficientemente valiente como para beberla. La gente de las montañas comenzó a llamarlo "conquistador de la debilidad", ya que los hacía fuertes como los mismos dioses.Use

Shilajit es una sustancia pegajosa semisólida, de color marrón negruzco, que se encuentra principalmente en las rocas del Himalaya. Se desarrolla a lo largo de los siglos a partir de la descomposición de plantas y materia orgánica que quedaron atrapadas por capas de roca en las montañas. Shilajit se usa comúnmente como medicina ayurvédica en muchas partes de Word, pero inicialmente comenzó en India hace más de mil años. Es una antigua sustancia herbal que contiene más de 85 minerales que fortalecen y rejuvenecen el cuerpo humano.

Use a small dose of shilajit resin

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Beneficios de Shilajit

Mix it in hot water until dissolved

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Drink warm & enjoy!

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The recommended daily dosage should not exceed 1g and our advice is to drink Shilajit early morning on an empty stomach with hot water. It is a perfect addition to your fasting regiment, however can be used with any liquid as long as it's warm. We don't recommend to use it just before going to bed and as well for pregnant women; heart patients; people with infections or high blood iron. Avoid using it with combination with alcohol and absolutely avoid tap water! To store Shilajit is very simple, just keep in within room temperature in a dark place.

What Our Client Says

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 energy boost..hidden gem..positive impact.

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Vicente Garcia

Thai Boxing Champion

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The benefits of Shilajit are exceptional.. enriches and strengthens the whole body's immune system.

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I am a Professional Athlete and the Shilajit product has worked very well for me in my preparations, it has been a good ally to combat excessive fatigue, increase Testosterone levels that are reduced in periods of high volume and I find myself with more vitality in my day.

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I diagnosed with Lupus..I am anemic. Low stamina. Sleepless. Lightheaded. No control of sickness. Weak immune system. Then I tried "Shilajit". Booom!.. I feel so strong..  I used it consecutively. I feel it resets my whole body.  It's an amazing experience! Me and my body is thankful that I am using "Shilajit".

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I could feel the benefits of Shilajit immediately.

.. I feel strong as a bull.

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¡Descalcifica tu Glándula Pineal!

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*Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. Information and statements about our products have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency. They're meant for educational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional before use. Individual results vary; what you see in photos and videos reflects personal effort. Your unique journey may lead to different outcomes. Thank you for your understanding.

Despertar - Shilajit (5g)

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