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Want to know how SHILAJIT is made?

Traditional Extraction & Purification of Shilajit resin

Shilajit is a mysterious resin-like substance found primarily in the rocks of the highest mountains on the planet. Used in Ayurvedic medicine as a panacea for thousands of years and believed to offer a plethora of health benefits, Shilajit has a rich history and a complex extraction process whose roots date back thousands of years.

In this comprehensive blog, we'll take a closer look at the intriguing world of Shilajit resin extraction and delve deep into the various aspects surrounding it.

Shilajit: Nature's Elixir of Life

Shilajit, often referred to as "mineral pitch" or "rock sweat," is a sticky, tar-like substance that has formed over centuries from the decomposition of plants and microbial activity in the Himalayan mountain range. This unique substance is rich in minerals and organic compounds, making it a fundamental component of Ayurvedic medicine, where it is believed to promote overall well-being.

The Extraction Process

The extraction of Shilajit resin is a meticulous process that involves several steps to obtain the purest and most potent form of this natural substance. Here's an in-depth exploration of how Shilajit resin is extracted:

1. Collection

Shilajit is primarily found in the crevices of rocks, especially in high-altitude regions like the Himalayas, Altai Mountains, and the Caucasus Mountains therefore harvesting Shilajit is a labor-intensive task, often carried out by local communities following traditional extraction methods.

This operation is typically performed during the warmer months when the resin oozes out from the rocks due to increased temperature and sunlight to make the harvesting process easier.

2. Purification

Raw Shilajit is collected in its crude form, which contains impurities, minerals, and other substances. The raw material is known as "Shilajit rock" or "Shilajit ore."

The purification process not only removes impurities and microbes that might reside in the mineral but also enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the product.

Traditional purification methods involve using water and filtration techniques such as Cow’s Ghee, Dashamoolarishta, or Triphala Decoction to remove any debris and foreign matter. The goal here is to isolate the resin from the rock and contaminants.

3. Processing

After purification, Shilajit is processed further to enhance its quality and potency. This process is crucial for transforming the raw Shilajit rock into a resin ready for use.

Methods like drying, heating, and filtration are employed. Drying removes excess moisture, while heating helps in the elimination of unwanted compounds and filtration ensures that the final product is free from contaminants and ready for consumption. Local communities use the sun to dry the shilajit resin following an ancient tradition of thousands of years.


How to Perform a Quality Control

Maintaining the quality of Shilajit resin is of utmost importance. Several factors can influence the resin's purity and potency, including geographic location, altitude, and the environment in which it's harvested. Specifically, Himalayan Shilajit has been shown to be of the highest quality.

The purity of Shilajit is essential as it directly impacts its effectiveness and safety, so how can you test the quality of your Shilajit resin?

According to the classical texts of Susruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita, pure Shilajit resin should burn without emitting smoke when exposed directly to fire and should not dissolve completely when put in water. Rather it should leave a visible trail as it dissolves and travels to the bottom of the jar.

Safety Precautions

It's important to note that while Shilajit offers many potential benefits, it's essential to exercise caution and follow recommended guidelines when looking for the right Shilajit to buy online.

1. Avoid Raw or Unprocessed Shilajit:

Raw or unprocessed Shilajit may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungus, and other contaminants that can be harmful to health. Ensure that the Shilajit you purchase is purified and ready for use, free from impurities and contaminants.

2. Avoid Non-Resin Shilajit

We’re going to be honest here. Taking Shilajit in a resin form is the closest thing to licking directly from the rocks from which it’s extracted. That’s because to get the resin form, the fewest amount of processes are required compared to capsules or powder and there is no use of chemical compounds and transformations.

The other forms of Shilajit like capsules and powders, require additional processes that inevitably lower the purity and quality of the raw material, leading to a loss in its effectiveness.

3. Specific Medical Conditions:

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis (excess iron in the blood), or thalassemia, should avoid Shilajit due to potential interactions.

If you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or have active heart disease, it's advisable not to take Shilajit without consulting a healthcare provider.


The extraction of Shilajit resin is a meticulous process that transforms a natural substance into a potent and valuable health supplement. It's essential to prioritize the quality and purity of Shilajit products to harness the power of this ancient remedy fully.

Whether you're new to Shilajit or have experienced its wonders, understanding the extraction process sheds light on the magic of this unique natural gift from Mother Nature. Shilajit, with its potential to enhance cognitive health, balance hormones, boost energy, promote longevity, counter altitude sickness, alleviate anemia, improve fertility, and support heart health, holds promise as a valid and proven holistic wellness solution.

However, it's crucial to exercise caution and follow safety precautions, sourcing purified and tested Shilajit from reputable brands.

If you are looking for the purest form of Shilajit Resin traditionally sourced directly from the peaks of the Himalayas…

Purchase today and use our discount code SHILAJIT123 to get 10%!

Thanks for reading,

Awakening Shilajit Team

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